our actions

You have access to :

– Onco Entrepreneurship School

– OncoEntrepreneur/Numérique

– LS Lead

Onco Entrepreneurship School

Accelerated learning program around cancer innovation

For who ? Post-doctoral, doctoral or entrepreneur candidates and entrepreneurs in the creation phase willing to develop an innovation in oncology

What ? Accelerated learning program in oncology through access to an international Entrepreneurship school

Why ? Explore how innovation in oncology tackle complex health problems

When ? 23 to 27 sept 2024 

OncoEntrepreneur / OncoNumérique

Specific training program for future oncology entrepreneurs


Who ? PhD students and young graduates, future entrepreneurs in oncology

What ? Tailor-made training and support for start-up projects in biotech, medtech and e-health Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster.

OncoNumérique is a declination of the OncoEntrepreneur program intended specifically for business creation projects combining ICT and Oncology.

Why ? Supporting a selection of project leaders in the early stages of establishing their business, until the first fundraising.

When ? 6 months, call for projects every year



MBA-style life science entrepreneurship training program


For who ? Actors in life sciences (health professionals, academic institutions, incubators / TTOs, clusters, industry employees)


What ? Original training in entrepreneurship and MBA-style management


Why ? Prepareing to lead an innovative company, supporting creation / growth, and optimizeing the network


When ? 40 days of training organized by 1-day thematic modules

OncoSTART actions : training entrepreneurs around oncology / cancerology. OncoSummerSchool, OncoEntrepreneur / Numérique, LS LEAD programs.