Jointly organized by Angels Santé, Gustave Roussy Transfert, Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster, MATWIN and OncoStart with the support of France Biotech and Medicen, this day is an opportunity for debates, round tables, interviews, and pitches from oncology startups!
Hosted by the 8th French Oncology Interdisciplinary Days IFODS which will take place from June 11 to 13, 2025 in Coeur Défense Conference Center in Courbevoie, the Onco Startup Summit will bring together on June 12 all the players in the innovation ecosystem in oncology to help entrepreneurs speed up their projects and develop interactions with a transformative effect.
Many exchanges will take place on current topics in the ecosystem with the presence of various players (entrepreneurs, investors, support structures, etc.) and of course the promotion of many oncology start-ups through pitching sessions.
The Onco Startup Summit organizing committee: Jean Pierre Armand (Gustave Roussy), Christophe Javaud (Gustave Roussy Transfer), Stéphane Loze (Angels Santé), Christophe Massard (Gustave Roussy – chairman of the panel experts), Nouzha Mohellibi (PSCC), Lucia Robert (MATWIN – OncoStart)
An event organized with the support
10 startups selected for a pitch at the Onco Startup Summit 2024!
Startups created or in the process of being created in the field of biotech, medtech, e-health and developing innovative projects in oncology presented their company and gave real visibility to their project in front of an audience of oncologists, investors, and potential partners, and interact with a panel of experts.