22 Jun MATWIN’s Call for applications
MATWIN is a national programme (6 months) accelerating early maturation of innovative projects in oncology aiming at maximizing innovation transfer potential. Relying on the existing national ecosystem (canceropoles, SIRIC, technology transfer offices, clusters etc.) and on Unicancer preclinical and clinical network, MATWIN identifies and supports high level oncology research projects with a high development potential. The provided support aims at increasing projects’ industrial attractiveness to boost collaboration opportunities.
Non-French European applicants (academic or start-up) can apply if they can prove that they have collaboration with French partners (academic team or company).
To apply to MATWIN’s programme, project leaders have 2 possible processes. The principle: the most upstream the application is submitted the most developed MATWIN’s support is. Check both support processes details here.
- Classic process (6 months): application possible until 31 October 2021 at the latest; file to be completed (downloadable below)
- Accelerated process (3 months): application possible until February 28, 2022; submission pitch in video format
MATWIN support is open throughout the year but to benefit from support sessions with a possible hearing by the MATWIN International Board in May 2022, the submission of applications is expected at the deadlines indicated above.
Find out more at: https://matwin.fr/en/matwins-call-for-application/